SCPs and MTF Eta-10 "See No Evil" cannot trigger this ability.
SCP-096 is usually docile but when its face is viewed by a player, it will enter a rage state. MTF Eta-10 ("See No Evil") units cannot enrage SCP-096 as they wear specialized 'scramble gear.' After a while, it will enter the cooldown stage (and cannot be enraged for 3-5 seconds), before returning to the docile state. In its rage state, it is capable of instant killing all hostile classes, as well as breaking down all doors in the Facility (with the exception of locked, fake, elevator doors, cell doors, and blast doors). Once it has been viewed by a human class, however, it will be locked in place, and will begin to cry for 10 seconds, before entering its rage state. In-game, SCP-096 will normally be in its docile state, walking at slow speeds, and being unable to attack players. After this stage SCP-096 will start sprinting at high speeds towards the person which looked at it's face or any other player in the area (also known as SCP-096-1), attacking and tearing them into pieces.
SCP-096 will then stand in place, cover its face with its hands, and begin screaming. The creature seems to be in a permanent state of depression, but enters a build up phase when its face is viewed upon. SCP-096 is a humanoid entity with a full white body, red arms and hands (resembling blood), along with 2 small black dots for eyes.